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Toronto Sun Posts Embarrassing Headline Following Maple Leafs John Tavares Knee to the Head

On Thursday night, Maple Leafs captain John Tavares was injured during Game 1 loss to the Canadiens. Tavares was taken off the ice during the first period of Thursday night’s game after taking a knee to the head. 

The incident occurred when Tavares was hit by Canadiens’ Ben Chiarot and he fell to the ice. While Tavares was falling to the ice, he was clipped in the head by Corey Perry. Officials immediately stopped the game in order for the the medical staff to attend to Tavares.

The 30-year-old Tavares tried to get back to his feet following the hit, however he was unable too. The Maple Leafs captain was able to move his extremities the entire time. Tavares gave a thumbs up to both team’s as he was being carted off the ice. 

Perry who inadvertently hit Tavares in the head said after the game he was trying to jump over Tavares. 

“I don’t know what else to do there, I tried to jump,” said Perry.

“I know Johnny pretty well, and I just hope he’s OK. Honestly felt sick to my stomach when I saw it,” he added. “When I saw him, with the way he is, it’s a scary situation. I’ll reach out to him and talk to him and hopefully he’s OK.”

Tavares will be out indefinitely

The Maple Leafs will move forward without their captain who is expected to be out indefinitely. They will play Game 2 on Saturday night down in the series, however the Maple Leafs will be playing for their captain. 

Morgan Rielly said he spoke with Tavares on Friday morning.

“We’re playing for him,” Rielly said. “We’re going to be thinking about him every day.”

Toronto Sun embarrassing headline

The Toronto Sun posted an embarrassing headline in their paper following the Tavares injury. The headline would read “Captain Crunched” with a picture of a bloody Tavares on the cover.

In my opinion, the headline is complete trash and the editors of the paper should have not allowed it to be run. Ultimately, it feels like the paper is making light of the serious injury to Tavares.

Furthermore, there has been extreme fan backlash and outrage over the Toronto Sun post.


The Tavares hit wasn’t malicious and there was no intent from Perry to seriously injury him. It’s unknown how long the Maple Leafs will be without their captain. Above all, the focus is Tavares getting healthy with no ill-effects from the hit.

The Toronto Sun should print an apology for their heinous headline. Unfortunately, the paper’s reputation will get in the way of that. An apology will not undo the Tavares injury, but the paper should have understood their audience would be pissed.

As of Friday afternoon, the Maple Leafs PR team released a statement.

The hockey world is looking forward to seeing Tavares make a full recovery.

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– Chris Henrique (@ChrisHenrique on Twitter)

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